–Bob Gatchel
–Bob Gatchel
Picture a woman who couldn’t get the smile off her face for a day! What an experience! I loved...
As a direct result of your instruction and guidance, I secured work on a 30-second television spot during the...
Michelle was a tremendous help. Extremely knowledgable and very personable. It’s good that we just used the audio on...
Nick was outstanding in coaching me to be a much better voice over talent. He worked on my voice,...
Thought you might want to know, since taking the class and entering the business, I’ve been working pretty steadily....
Hi Lisa, You have done hundreds of these demo coaching and producing sessions, so they are all in a...
In one weeks time I made over ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS doing voice over! The total time I...
(From one of our SAV teachers who started out as a student with us): Dear friends at SAV, Just...