Ra joined his company’s basketball team and found himself doing more than just shooting hoops. The organizer of the league asked him to voice a podcast that would be going out to the entire company of around 4,000 people. Everyone was blown away from his talents and that made him think about pursuing a career in voice-over.
After some time well spent searching for a voice-over training company, Ra stumbled upon Such A Voice and began his training with us in 2016. Today, Ra is still absolutely blowing everyone away with his talents! He has done voice-over work for Twitter, Rezvani, the Peace Corps, Spotify, Champion Athletics, and several universities. His energy is contagious and inspiring and it’s been great to hear about his successes in voice-over.
His most recent success comes from the help of his voice-over agent. His agent booked him a voice-over gig through Carnival Cruise. In this Working Wednesday segment, Ra invites us into the studio for his recording session for Carnival Cruise!
You can check out more of Ra’s voice-over work on his website.
If you’re a working voice-over artist who has completed our training and would like to share your VO successes with other students, we’d love to feature it on the blog! Reach out to Lauren Mazzoleni at lauren@suchavoice.com.
And as always, we love hearing your feedback about your experience with Such A Voice!