Your signature sound is, by definition, your money voice. It’s the unique signature delivery and niche sound that people will consistently hire you to perform. As opposed to an extreme, stylized vocal delivery, your signature sound is most often the voice and style of copy that allows you to perform the most genuine, natural deliveries.
There are so many opportunities in the voice acting industry that there’s no reason for you to feel the need to alter who you are and what you sound like in order to be successful. The most important thing is for you to discover for yourself your own personal and particular vocal qualities and sound, own them, and go for it. Here are three steps to get you started!
Authenticity: Be true to yourself! It might seem boring or hard to believe that your signature sound can be this straightforward. Trust in this and you’ll be on your way.
Branding: By mastering your unique sound and point of view, you’ll have an original, go-to brand to build outward from. Your signature sound will most likely end up being the voice that will help launch your voice acting career and land you most of your voice-over work.
Commitment: It often takes time and hard work for you to discover your signature sound. You’ll need to be committed to performing a wide variety of copy, and make sure to build time in your schedule to experiment with your reads daily. If you stay committed to finding it, you’ll get there!