This week’s Working Wednesday is a hot take on cold reads. While voice-over artists may be tempted to fear the cold read or dismiss it as being simply a warm-up, hitting record and getting behind the microphone even with a script that is 100% fresh and new has a lot of value to offer.

The first read of a new script for an audition or client work is a beneficial piece of audio for a voice actor of any level of experience.
Next time you’ve got a brand-new script, hop behind the mic BEFORE reading it through. Record as cold as you can, then listen back to your read and ask the following:
- Where were my instincts spot on? (A.k.a. What should I keep going forward?) This question helps us trust our gut as actors and not overthink new material too much.
- What did I miss? (A.k.a.What should I change in the next take?) As a professional, you know there are certain things you need to hit in any final product: company names, important dates, the product or service you’re promoting, etc. Take note and make sure you highlight these in the next few takes you record.
- Any mispronunciations or trouble spots? (A.k.a. What did I notice that’s tough?) In your cold read, take note of what was tricky. Any words that may trip up your tongue in future takes? Practice these a few times. Any phrasing that is poorly written? You may have to practice it to make it sound more natural. Any other pitfalls to avoid?
Taking the time to record and analyze a cold read can save us time in the long run. Over time, it hones our instincts and makes us quicker and more agile voice-over actors.
Caroline Turner Cole is a storyteller from Dallas, TX. Find out more at or follow her on social media @carolinecolestories on Instagram and @ccolestories on Twitter.