Are you overthinking your voice-over journey? If so, let’s hit the pause button and shift to a more straightforward method. I’ve assembled six essential principles – my “6 P’s” – that have been my reliable beacons in the world of voice acting. These are not new concepts, but when executed daily, they can make all the difference in the world.
What are they? Passion, Persistence, Professionalism, Politeness, Patience, and Prayer or Peaceful Meditation). Building a successful voice-over career is more akin to a marathon than a sprint, so it can be helpful to have principles to guide you.
This is about more than just liking what you do. It’s about loving it with every fiber of your being. Your voice is not just a tool, it’s the vessel through which your deepest emotions and stories are conveyed. Passion is the spark that keeps your creativity alive and kicking, even on the most challenging days. It sets you apart, makes your performances stand out, and resonates with your audience. When you’re passionate, it shines through in every word you speak, captivating and moving those who hear it.
This industry is no cakewalk, and rejection is part of the game, but remember: every ‘no’ is a step closer to a ‘yes’. Persistence means embracing every setback as a learning opportunity and coming back stronger each time. It’s about the courage to keep going, the strength to face challenges head-on, and the resilience to turn failures into stepping stones. Persistence is what keeps you going when things get tough, ensuring that you stay on your path, refining your skills, and pushing toward your goals, no matter the obstacles.
Professionalism is all about respecting your craft and those you work with. It’s showing up prepared, being reliable, and consistently delivering your best performance. Professionalism isn’t just about what you do in your booth; it’s about how you carry yourself in all aspects of your work. It’s about being punctual, prepared, and respectful of others’ time and efforts. Professionalism builds your reputation in the industry, earns you respect from peers and clients, and sets the foundation for a long-lasting and fulfilling career.

Politeness might seem simple, but it’s a game-changer. It’s about being someone others look forward to working with. Kindness, respect, and cooperation go a long way in building lasting professional relationships in the VO world. It’s about understanding that every interaction is an opportunity to leave a positive impression. Politeness isn’t just good manners; it’s a reflection of your character and professionalism. It can open doors, build networks, and create an environment where creativity and collaboration flourish.
Patience is essential. Success and skill development in voice-over doesn’t happen overnight. It’s about embracing the slow periods, committing to continual learning, and understanding that growth takes time. Patience is about having the endurance to wait for the right opportunities and the wisdom to learn from experiences. It’s recognizing that every small step contributes to your larger goals. In an industry where success sometimes seems instantaneous, patience reminds us that long-term achievement is a gradual, consistent process.
Prayer or Peaceful Meditation
Whether it’s through prayer or peaceful meditation, this practice is about staying centered and focused. Finding inner peace and clarity amidst the hustle and bustle of the industry is crucial. It’s a moment to reconnect with your inner self, to find calm in the chaos, and to refocus on what truly matters. This practice is not just a retreat; it’s a source of strength, providing you with the mental and emotional balance to meet the demands of your profession with grace and poise. I happen to think it is the most important one.
As you navigate through the twists and turns of voice acting, keep these Six P’s close to heart. They’re more than just guidelines; they’re the companions that make your journey more enjoyable and enriching. Embrace the adventure with an open heart and mind. Let your passion drive you, persistence guide you, professionalism define you, politeness distinguish you, patience strengthen you, and prayer or meditation keep you balanced.
Most importantly, enjoy the journey. The world of voice acting is filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and joy. These six P’s are just one possible roadmap to navigating it successfully. You may need to create your own list, but trust me you need to do it sooner than later.
So now, take a deep breath, find your footing, and step forward with confidence and a smile. The path ahead is yours to explore.
Check out our free PDF with pro-tips from real working voice-over actors here!
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